Coming Soon...

Scraping FBRef data (Part 2) : Building an API using NodeJS and Heroku app

This tutorial is an upgrade to my previous article on scraping FBRef data using RSelenium and Docker. The API and its documentation is already available at

A Data-driven approach to choose a league's MVP

Using VAEP to find Most Valuable Player (overall and category wise) in FAWSL and NWSL.

Building a "Player Recruitment Portal" using FBRef data and R Shiny.

Coming Soon...


Building a Pass Difficulty estimation model using Statsbomb Open-data.

Available Now

Flanks Attack Visualisation

Quantifying a team's attacking prowess in the Final 3rd by using just 3 arrows of different colours and lengths.

Scraping data from FBRef using RSelenium and Docker. (A Complete Package)

This articles aims at scraping dynamically generated data/tables from a website, when our veteran rvest just can't work on his own.